+33 (0)4 78 17 48 04
MID intends to provide its customers with innovative products and high quality service. MID designs, manufactures and retails MIDBAND™, MIDCAL™ and MIDSLEEVE™. Research and innovation are central to the corporate culture of to MID. We encourage, fund and support ongoing research and development projects. Located in France (Lyon) products are made in France and shipped internationally.
All information concerning contraindications, adverse effects, complications and residual risks are communicated through the leaflet (available on the following link: www.mid-ifu.com)
IFSO WORLD 2025 The 28TH IFSO WORLD CONGRESS will be attend from the 9th to 12 th, september, 2025. Santiago, Chile Read the preliminary scientific program
Body Mass Index (BMI) assesses a person's corpulence to estimate the risk of diseases due to over or underweight (cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes).